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- Bob Dreyfuss - US Should Back Syria’s Assad Against ISIS
US Should Back Syria’s Assad Against ISIS
Bob Dreyfuss
The Nation, July 3, 2014
- Caleb Crain. A professional victim
How music plagiarism ruined a composer’s career and literally drove him mad.
The Nation, May 20, 2013
- Christian Parenti. With friends like these
Ahmed Rashid’s gloomy, essential account of the divisive US-Pakistan alliance.
The Nation, May 20, 2013
- David L. Kirp. Tech mania goes to college
Are MOOCs—massive open online courses—the utopia of affordable higher education, or just the latest fad?
The Nation, Sept 23, 2013
- Email ad for buying gold
- Eric Alterman. All the (political) world's a stage
After the first presidential debate, the media follow-up focused almost exclusively on its theatrics and the implications for the “horse race.”
The Nation, Dec 5, 2012
- Eric Alterman. Cuomo vs. Cuomo
Can he make New York the “progressive capital of the nation”—by empowering Republicans?
The Nation, April 8, 2013
- F. Frederic Fouad with Matt Stroud. Hershey's broken trust
A new attorney general in Pennsylvania could launch a real investigation into the diversion of charitable resources to luxury golf and Republican politics.
The Nation, Nov 5, 2012
- Farai Chideya. How to fix journalism's class and color crisis
The future of media must include all of us.
The Nation, June 3, 2013
- Gaiutra Bahadur - India’s Missing Women
India’s Missing Women
Why does the belief that women are safest when secluded still hold sway in India?
Gaiutra Bahadur
June 17, 2014 | This article appeared in the July 7-14, 2014 edition of The Nation.
- Gary Rivlin. Wall Street fires back
How Wall Street Defanged Dodd-Frank
Battalions of regulatory lawyers burrowed deep in the federal bureaucracy to foil reform.
The Nation, May 20, 2013
- Greg Mitchell. Margaret Sullivan, an Ombud Who Cares
The New York Times’s new ombudsperson keeps the Gray Lady honest.
The Nation, April 8, 2013
- Greg Palast. Mitt Romney's bailout bonanza
How Mitt and Ann made millions—and Mitt’s hedge fund donors made billions—from the auto-industry rescue that he condemned.
The Nation, Nov 5, 2012
- Isabeau Doucet. What the UN owes Haiti
Despite the fact that its "peacekeepers" brought cholera to Haiti, the UN is refusing to fund obvious solutions.
The Nation, April 8, 2013
- Jamie Raskin. How to fight corporate welfare
We need a Chamber of Progress, made up of all the green and progressive businesses, to fight the predator state that subsidizes large corporations.
The Nation, April 8, 2013
- Jeremy Scahill. Inside America's dirty wars
How three US citizens were killed by their own government in the space of one month in 2011.
The Nation, May 13, 2013
- Jessica Valenti. Why I'm voting for her
In 2016, I’m casting my vote for a woman. Not because she’s guaranteed to be the most feminist candidate, but because I’m fed up.
The Nation, June 3, 2013
- Jon Wiener. LA's homeless vets
It seems unbelievable, but land dedicated to the VA for housing veterans has been denied to them—and LA has more homeless vets than any city in America.
The Nation, April 8, 2013
- Jon Wiener. Remembering the Berlin Wall
The right celebrates Reagan as the cold war “victor.” American memorials tell a different story.
The Nation. Nov 19, 2012
- June 23/30, 2014 issue
When articles become available:
Katha Pollitt, Sex trafficking, lies & money
Wen Stephenson, Ground Zero in the Fight for Climate Justice
Sophia Rosenfeld, The Choice Isn't Clear
- Kathie Klarreich and Linda Polman. The NGO republic of Haiti
How the international relief effort after the 2010 earthquake excluded Haitians from their own recovery.
The Nation, Nov 19, 2012.
- Liliana Segura. Are Memphis Prosecutors Trying to Send an Innocent Man Back to Death Row?
Witnesses say they saw Timothy McKinney shoot an off-duty police officer in 1997. But their stories have changed—and the DA’s office has been caught hiding evidence in death penalty trials.
The Nation, April 8, 2013
- Madeline Ostrander. Will California's Cap and Trade Be Fair?
Allowing polluters to trade carbon could keep poor Californians breathing unhealthy air.
The Nation, April 8, 2013
- Melissa Harris-Perry. Obama and the open door
The impact of an Obama presidency is better answered by partisanship than race—but race still matters.
The Nation, Dec 5, 2012
- Michael Sorkin. The trials of Rafi Segal
In Israel, an architectural competition and its winner have been sabotaged by the bad faith of its sponsors.
The Nation, May 13, 2013
- Patricia J. Williams. Kimani Gray: guilty until proven innocent
News stories that followed the NYPD’s killing of a 16-year-old Brooklyn boy show how we criminalize people based on race and geography.
The Nation, April 8, 2013
- Patrick Cockburn, The American legacy in Iraq
On the tenth anniversary of the US invasion, the country is mired in a permanent crisis of sectarian violence, pervasive corruption and broken infrastructure.
The Nation, April 8, 2013
- Peter C. Baker. Fight clubs: on Napoleon Chagnon
One anthropologist’s place in his field’s ongoing battle over questions of power, means and ends.
The Nation, June 3, 2013
- Peter Kornbluh. Letter from Chile
Forty years after Pinochet's coup, a historic presidential campaign has revived debates about his dictatorship—and Washington's role in it.
The Nation, Sept 23, 2013
- Remote control killing
Does America stand for drones? Letters. The Nation, April 8, 2013
Original article was David Cole, " What's Wrong With Obama's Drone Policy.
The White House evidently believes it can kill us in secret and never own up to the fact.", March 4, 2013, http://www.thenation.com/article/172898/whats-wrong-obamas-drone-policy
- Special issue. Bloomberg's New York: the Gilded City
The Nation, May 6, 2013.
Editorial: The Gilded City
Joshua Freeman. What happened to working-class New York?
Stee Fraser. A Wall Street state of mind
Kim Phillips-Fein. Biting the bullet, 37 years later
Doug Henwood. Grrand plans
Jarrett Murphy. Wanted: a progressive mayor
Sharifa Rhodes-Pitts. Whither African Harlem?
Gina Bellafante. The gentrification exception
Leonie Haimson and Diane Ravitch. Unequal schools
Gene Seymour. Reasonable doubt
Richard Kreitner. The sons of revolution and steerage
- Stephen B. Bright and Sia M. Sanneh. 'Gideon v. Wainwright', fifty years later
In its historic decision, the Supreme Court ruled that poor people have a right to a lawyer. But today, our system of indigent defense is shameful.
The Nation, April 8, 2013
- Stephen Mihm. Risky business
A history of how risk management profits from manufacturing new forms of uncertainty and insecurity.
The Nation, May 13, 2013
- Susie Linfield. The Journeys of Fred Halliday
On socialism or the Middle East, Fred Halliday’s intellectual flexibility was one of his greatest strengths.
The Nation. Nov 19, 2012
- The Nationi, March 4, 2013
Includes articles on targeted killings via drones, several articles on unions and organizing, Hilary Clinton's work to make women's rights central to U.S. foreign policy, and on data profiling of web users.
- Tim Shorrock. Obama's crackdown on whistleblowers
The NSA Four reveal how a toxic mix of cronyism and fraud blinded the agency before 9/11.
The Nation, April 15, 2013, p11-18
- William Greider. Meet the New Left: small-business owners
Surveys demonstrate remarkably progressive attitudes on everything from taxation to regulation to the environment.
The Nation, April 8, 2013